PSI Seminars: Education for Life : Free_intro

In  2007 I attended a seminar on how to to maximize your effectiveness and create a more balanced, satisfying life. The course stresses balance in four key areas of your life: physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. It was the most dramatic and life changing event i have experienced. If you are truly interested in making a change in your life I encourage you to attend a Free Into presentation. ~~~~~~~~~ GET EDUCATED, GET EMPOWERED Has a family member, friend, or co-worker invited you to the PSI Basic course? Have you noticed some dramatic changes in that person? Are you curious to find out why? By attending a free PSI Basic Intro you will have an opportunity to gets answer to these questions. Additionally, you will learn the benefits of the PSI Basic, and we provide you with simple tools you can use now to improve many areas of your life. The free PSI Basic Intro is usually around one hour and will cover most of the concepts and focuses that you can expect at the PSI Basic. AT THE FREE PSI BASIC INTRO YOU WILL HEAR HOW YOU CAN LEARN THE FOLLOWING: Learn how to become a better communicator. Learn to resolve past and current conflicts. Learn how to get 2-3 hours of rest in less than 20 minutes. Learn the top three things that deeply affect relationships. Learn to use more imagination and creativity in your life. Learn how to create more wealth in your life. Learn the attitudes successful people use in business to win. Learn how your attitude affects others and why attitude creates up to 90% of your results. If you’re ready to advance straight to the PSI Basic, click here to register. If you want to learn more, click here to attend a free PSI Basic Intro program in a city near you. via PSI Seminars – Personal Success Institute : Education for Life :...


I am Generally a very skeptical person about these kinds of things but i have to tell you i am sold on this product, it does everything it says it does and i have seen it with my own eyes and experienced the results personally. here is a video of a test and i assure you it is for real. Click Here Nutrazon®, formerly a wholly owned subsidiary of a decade old, debt-free company has now established itself as a privately held corporation. From its home office and warehouse hub in Southern California, the company is committed to spreading good health and wellness around the world. The Nutrazon® mission is to provide our Associates the opportunity to realize their dreams and help them create true financial independence by providing proprietary products backed by years of research in the lab, beta-testing and clinical trials. We are dedicated to bringing today’s entrepreneurs and health-conscious consumers the most superior, scientifically formulated wellness product available, as well as providing a unique opportunity to market Nutrazon® products through a network of Independent Marketing Associates around the world. We don’t just teach and apply Healthy Living Principles and Solid Financial Practices… we live them every day! From the first shot of Nutrazon®, you’ll experience the goodness and raw power nature provided us in this proprietary blend of extracts from the rain forests of South America. Through years of research and validation, scientists concluded that these, combined with their array of active ingredients, can help us with many of today’s challenges. You will instantly… Be more relaxed Have increased endurance Enjoy an increase in libido and sexual function Enhanced memory, focus and mental clarity Experience more balanced blood sugar levels Have more success in reducing weight Longer term documented health benefits include… Protection from aging and diabetes Reduced effects of metabolic diseases Healthier functioning heart and cardiovascular system Contributes to an extended life span Increased energy and resistance to fatigue, stress and tension Click Here to watch a short video of the Nutrazon test Click Here To Find out More or to Become a Distributor Click Here to Purchase...

The Value of Positive Thinking

          The Value of Positive Thinking by Napoleon Hill Is a negative mental attitude barring your way to success?  If so, it’s time to change. The negative-minded person is one who accepts any problem or obstacle as insurmountable.  The positive person not only finds ways to overcome obstacles, but actually turns them into stepping stones. In Louisiana, a large piece of acreage was put up for sale to close an estate.  Only two bids were received, one from a man who owned adjoining land.  He bid low because much of the ground was covered with bamboo growth which he thought made the land practically worthless. The other bidder made an offer twice as high.  He got the land, cut the bamboo into fishing poles, and sold them for enough money to pay the price of the land!  Thus we see that a positive mind attracts favorable opportunities for success.  Negative-mindedness repels opportunities – and doesn’t even take advantage of them when they chance along. F. W. Woolworth began as a clerk in a hardware store.  The annual inventory showed that the store was stocked with thousands of dollars worth of old merchandise that was out of date and practically useless. “Let’s run a bargain sale” he suggested to the owner, “and sell off all of this old merchandise.” The owner rejected the idea but Woolworth was persistent as people with a positive mental attitude always are.  He kept after the store owner until it was agreed that the plan could be tried out with a few of the very oldest items. A long table was built down the middle of the store and every item on it was priced at ten cents.  The goods went so fast that Woolworth got permission to run a second sale, and it went over with a bang also. Then he proposed to the owner that they go into partnership in a Five and Ten Cent Store, with Woolworth supplying the management and the store owner supplying the capital.  “No!” shouted the owner, “the plan will never work because you can’t find enough items to sell at a nickel and a dime.” Woolworth went ahead by himself and piled up a fortune. In speaking of the transaction years later, Woolworth’s old boss said woefully:  “As near as I can figure it, every word I used in turning Woolworth down has cost me about a million dollars.” A negative mental attitude carries with it many related traits – such as fear, indecision, doubt, procrastination, irritability and anger – which tend to repel people and drive away favorable opportunities.  A positive mental attitude brings with it faith, enthusiasm, personal initiative, self-discipline, imagination and definiteness of purpose which attract people and beneficial opportunities. How does one maintain a positive mental attitude? By thinking and acting of the “can do” portion of every plan or purpose, and refusing to accept as insurmountable the “no can do” portion which is to be found in almost every undertaking. Source: Success Unlimited. April, 1967. Vol. 14, No. 4. Pgs. 33 &...

The Secret

this was an article in USridernews in the March 2008 edition. I have been riding actively for a number of years, and i have attended a program based on the information contained in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. after seeing the movie and attending PSI7 the first thing that came to mind was how much this was like riding a motorcycle. i have been trying to find a way to put that into words and this article says it better than i ever could! March 2008 page 70 Focus. It is the greatest power known to mankind. It’s usually during these blustery late February and early March days when the only thing I can focus on is the warmth of Spring coming just a few weeks away. In the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, the instructors drill into their students how important it is to keep your eyes up and focus on where you want the bike to go. “If you look down, you’ll go down” is what they repeated over and over. So it is with everyday life. It is amazing how much of motorcycling translates into everyday life isn’t it? If you focus your thoughts and desires on what you want and maintain that focus regardless of the circumstances and you will be in tune with the mightiest force in the universe. No, I’m not talking about the new Haybusa or Triumph’s Rocket 3, I’m talking about the power of the Law of Attraction. There are literally thousands of ex-riders who gave up the joys of motorcycling because of a scare or a minor wreck. If you talk to a number of these folks you’ll invariably discover a common thread to each incident that prompted them to give up motorcycling. They became fixated on something and went directly towards it, either an oncoming car, or the ditch or the bike ahead of them. Of course there are some who had vehicles pull out in front of them. Often I meet people who eagerly tell me that they “used to ride” a motorcycle but the last day they rode was when they were almost “run over” twice, three times, four times, etc. These people act as if God were trying to get their attention with these close calls and “give up” motorcycles before they were killed. I’m not making light of the fact that there are too many easily distracted auto drivers on our highways. I see them all the time. What I’m suggesting is that you develop your mind to focus on the things you want, and away from the things you don’t want. The Law of Attraction is simple and absolute. Whatever you think about (focus) will manifest itself in your life, according to the strength of your faith, or belief. That’s why every time we’re riding somewhere and we’re in a dangerous situation and come through it without incident I say a simple “thank you” in my mind. When we ride through an intersection where others have been hit, I say “thank you.” When a car turning left pauses because he sees us approach I say, “thank you.” When we see a deer on the side of the road and pass by without incident I say “thank you.” I do this hundreds of times every ride. I even do it when I’m in my car. By doing this I’m focusing on the things I want, i.e. to have a safe and enjoyable ride, and away from the things I don’t want. Does it work? I believe the answer is emphatically YES! One of the my recent discoveries has been the work of Jeffery Gitomer. Gitomer has been instrumental in helping me understand and verbalize important life affi rming principals. I recommend you get a copy of one of his short easy to read books at your local book store. Another wonderful resource I’ve discovered is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Cynics will dismiss these works and teachings as polyanna and too simplistic to be of benefi t, but my thoughts are it cost nothing to believe and there’s no harm in adopting a positive self esteem and surrounding yourself with positive teachers and role models. The Law of Attraction isn’t a magic spell that solves all the problems of the world , nor does it guarantee that you’ll never be hurt or have tragedy in your life. In tight spots, NASCAR drivers learn to focus on the opening and drive through it. The opening is what they want. If they lose their focus and try to watch the wall or the other cars, that’s when they get into trouble. The...

Locks of Love

I had the opportunity to complete a 3 year long project this week, i participated in a bet with a friend of mine from North Carolina, Dave and the whole Rogers Family. i don’t remember what the bet was about but if Dave grew his hair long, his kids would complete a task. I jokingly said, “I will do it too”, they held me to it. After about 6-8 months the “Task” was complete and Dave had cut his hair. Well i live in Vegas and he neglected to tell me that happened, so after about a year i found out. at this point i said i am going to donate my tail to the Locks of Love Program. I found out they they need it at least 10 ” long pony tail and mine was not quite there plus had a bad case of the split ends, i told the stylist to trim it and i would wait a few more months. well she trimmed it back to a short hair cut so i was back at step 1. well not being a quitter and wanting to do this i let it grow again which brings us to yesterday almost 3 years from the original bet date. it was long enough and off it came! i also found out a few months ago that my mother had made several donations over the years and never said much about it. She passed away a few years ago, so it was a nice re connection as well. i would like to thank Fantastic Sams as they participate in the program and make it easy to donate and get the hair to Locks Of Love. and a special thanks to Frieda from the Fantastic Sams on Craig Road in North Las Vegas for putting up with me, we had a lot of fun and and made it a even more special experience. i would encourage any of you long haired hippies reading this to do the same. when you read and hear the stories it makes for a warm fuzzy that your just cant experience any other way. Locks of love is a great organization and i am proud to donate to make what they do possible. Sean Locks Of Love Fantastic Sam’s One of the Greatest Guy’s on Earth! Fantastic Sam’s North Las Vegas 4935 West Craig Road Freida 702...